Wednesday 11 December 2013


The relation between goodness – badness, evil – good and right – wrong is as similar to day and night: both of them are incomplete and useless with out each other and at the same time, no one can deny their existence. Those creations inhering only goodness, rightness, uprightness, and which are error free are angels. And contrary to this those creations that are full of evil, and no matter of goodness is found – are devils, jinn, Mephistophelean spirits and malefic creations. And the creations that are conglomeration of both these are human beings.

Magic and occulent practices are never carried out for goodness but instead are the reasons for destruction. The core aim of doing this is to tease the God’s creation, penalize them and to enforce them to obey one’s order. The knowledge of goodness (norani) is the product of certain amliyat, wazaif, Duroods, and the Holy Quran and on the other hand, magic is the product of mantras, evil studies, evil reclusions etc. and by reciting which a person becomes strayed.

ONE: The sihr of the chaldeans who used to worship the seven plants, believing that these planets controlled the world and where behind the forces of good and evil. these people were the ones to whom the Messenger Ibrahim was sent.

TWO: The sihr of people who have fantasies and hallucinations. Ar-Razi argued hpw fantasy may have an effect on people. For instance, a man may be able to walk on the trunk of tree on the ground surface, but cant do so if the trunk is placed alongside a river of similar place.

The common advice of doctors to a person with a nosebleed not to look at red objects and to a possessed person not to look at bright or revolving objects in simply because, man's soul has been created weak and is submissive to fantasies.

THREE: Seeing the assistance of worldly spirits ( the jinn ) who are two types; believers, and the disbelievers who are domons. Professionals and experts in the field hold that communicating with these worldly is achieved by simple means such as Ruqya using words of disbelief and polytheism, and smoke. This type of magic is known as sihr of Taskhir, which is using the assistance of inn in performing acts of sihr.

FOUR: This type includes the performance of magic and eye-catching trickery. It is based on tricking eye and preoccupying it solely with the object viewed. A skilled magician can perform a trick that stuns the minds of viewers and catches their eyesm leaving them preoccupied with gazing at an object; thereby immediately performing another trick, which appears them other than what they are expecting, and are; thus, left dumbfounded, If the magician remains silent, dose not say things which distract the minds of the viewers, they would be aware of all the tricks he had intended to perform.

FIVE: Marvelous objects such as a geometrically made arwork. For Exmple, a knight riding on a horseback, holding a horn in his hand, appearing to blow every hour. This type, including the construction of a clock mechanism should not be considered as part of magic, because it is based on positive causes, and if man understands science better, he will be able to produce more advanced machines. These things have became known now following the advance of technology which has been the driving force behind the invention of a number of marvellous objects.

SIX: The magician use to specfic medication on food and oinments. Bear in mind that there is no gainsaying the effect of such medication, as the effect of hypnotism is clear.

SEVEN: The sahir claims that he knows the supreme name of God ann that the jinn obey his commands in many things. if the person listener to the sahir weak-minded, and less perceptive, then he would believe that what the sahir may tell him is the truth. Thus, a listener is attached to what he believes is the truth, and so could be easily frightened. Once fear is insilled, his sensory perception is weakened, and the sahir would be capable of doing whatever he wishes.

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